Listen with Love. Speak with Love. Act with Love.

July 19, 2011

Day Camps

I LOVE day camps. I love kids. I also love losing weight. This feeling is fantastic.
My summer 2011 has been amazing, but terribly busy, between my two jobs I work over 50 hours a week. I'm exhausted all the time. Its hard, but my body is still adjusting.

It kills me that I have no time for blogging . I don't think anyone understands haha. Its my outlet, my artistic expression, my own virtual web journal.

Here is what you've missed!

Katy Perry California Dreams Tour 2011! - Took the little God Sisters to the concert. She is ridiculously good live! And the girls had so much fun. I was glad to share that with them.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. - Amazing. Exciting. Thrilling. Sad. My childhood is over.

Reading, reading, reading. - I never read just one book at a time. I am currently reading: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Happiness Project, and I've just started Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth (eye opening).

Sorry for the short and sweet synopsis, but its time for my workout!

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